
Internships for Emerging Writers, Editors, and Publishers

I've been working on a list of editorial internships since I was...oh...18 and thought I might try my hand at a summer internship. Somehow that never came to fruition, however I see no reason my list should go to waste. Below are some of my top picks with links to more information. If you're specifically interested in small presses, check out the small press database from Poets & Writers (also linked to on my left sidebar). Also, bookjobs.com has a great list of internships as well as a book jobs search engine, mostly in larger publishing houses (and dominantly in NYC). I think the best way to find an internship is by figuring out who publishes your favorite authors and researching from there. Here are four presses I think highly of and would recommend looking into their internships:

Most publishing and editorial internships are unfortunately unpaid, especially if, like me, you're more interested in the small independent presses. Some will offer a stipend or housing, but be prepared to work "for free." The benefit to the small publishers, magazines, and presses is that you'll ultimately have more responsibility and a wider range of tasks; the downside is you'll probably be waiting tables at night (especially if you're opting for an internship in NYC). Here's one writer's take on the promise and peril of being an intern. I personally like to think of it as an old-fashioned apprenticeship: trading hard work for knowledge of a trade. 

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