
Hello there.

Well, hello there blogosphere (not to be confused with "Blagosphere"). Here I give you stuff for people who write, read, or just like to read about people who write. Most importantly, I'll share relevant links and ideas for you, my fellow writers and readers--places to submit, free online resources, contests, book reviews, and literary news to name a few. And maybe one day, I'll host some contests and you'll get some goodies.

To start things off I give you a link to an interview with Dorothy Parker--that clever, insightful, and hilarious woman--from The Paris Review, 1956. Known for her wit, Parker was the first to debunk and undermine any praise of it in, of course, inevitably witty statements. Of all the famous writers interviews collected in the Paris Review Interviews Vol. I, she is thus far my favorite. Granted, there are two more volumes to consider, but I seriously doubt any other writer will be able to make me snort and chuckle nearly as much. (You can read all the interviews for free on their site or buy their selected interviews in collected volumes.

Enjoy that tasty treat--and come back for seconds.

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